We protect existing forests to ensure that vulnerable natural habitats and fragile ecosystems are left intact to protect the incredible biodiversity and endangered species they contain. We conserve natural habitat using a variety of mechanisms, such as: creating community and private reserves, registering ancestral rights to land, as well as obtaining legal protected status for these forests with ongoing management plans to ensure their future protection.

Particular emphasis is placed on the creation of ecological corridors connecting existing protected areas, thereby avoiding the risk of fragmentation. This greatly assists the effectiveness of the reserves by enabling animal species to seasonally migrate from one area to another and for natural seed dispersal to continue. We undertake reforestation programmes using native species whenever practical to do so. We have a policy of mapping our project areas using the latest technology - essential for long-term planning, protection and decision making.

We mitigate climate change by keeping existing forest standing and reforestation. We protect water sources to maintain a balanced ecosystem as well as improving the health, quality of life and livelihoods for local communities.

Supporting seed bank initiatives helps us to conserve the biodiversity of specific habitats.
