Rio areia2 DIB

Brazil Instituto Juruá

Building and protecting Amazonian biodiversity through scientifically-validated sustainable community initiatives.

Instituto Juruá Background

Instituto Juruá is a Brazilian non-profit organisation formed by conservationists, researchers and environmental leaders. Working in close partnership with rural communities and local associations, Instituto Juruá provides technical and financial support for sustainable natural resource management initiatives by rural river communities on the Rio Juruá, an isolated tributary of the Amazon River. In this manner Instituto Juruá helps conserve biodiversity and boost food security, health and sustainable income for indigenous and rural non-indigenous people.

Over 200 rural families have benefitted from their work so far. Though a relatively young organisation, Instituto Juruá members have worked on the Rio Juruá for decades.

The Partnership

In partnership with Rainforest Concern, Instituto Juruá will expand their operations upriver next year, setting up community-based conservation and sustainable management initiatives with unreached communities. Instituto Juruá team members will train and collaborate with 100 rural community members to protect 20 lakes and 20 fluvial beaches to allow arapaima numbers and giant turtle nests to recover. Community members will be trained how to protect the sites and sustainably harvest a scientifically validated quota from them themselves for profit, the quota set to enable the animal populations to continue rapidly growing.

This project will thereby strengthen and expand protection of fluvial beach and floodplain lake habitats, ensuring the conservation (and improvement) of their biodiversity, whilst capacity building for indigenous people and local communities.

MAP Instituto Jurua
Project Location

Written by Xavier Tobin, Rainforest Concern Biologist and Dr João Campos-Silva, Instituto Juruá Co-Founder and Director
