Neblina Reserve
Private protection for an important area of cloud forest, with extraordinary biodiversity & many endemic species
With your support, we can continue to protect many vulnerable ecosystems around the world. As well as tropical rainforests, we help preserve other threatened habitats from the rare, biodiversity-rich Andean cloud forests to the temperate rainforests of southern Chile, from the dry forests of Peru to the last remaining wildernesses of Europe.
Private protection for an important area of cloud forest, with extraordinary biodiversity & many endemic species
Habitat conservation for critically endangered species in the Ecuadorian Chocó
Conserving an area of endangered araucaria or monkey puzzle forest, with its exceptional wildlife
Building and protecting Amazonian biodiversity through scientifically-validated sustainable community initiatives.
A vital link between the highest peak of Costa Rica and the Caribbean coast, offering a haven to many threatened and vulnerable species
Delivering environmental education to remote rural schools in Colombia with Fundación TierrAmar
Supporting the rescue, rehabilitation and release of wildlife in Costa Rica.
Empowering rural women to rewild ancient forests in the Western Ghats of India.
Helping communities to protect the unique biodiversity of the cloud forests of northwestern Ecuador
Assisting indigenous communities to safeguard their ancestral rainforest
El Boldo, conservation of fragmented matorral forests of coastal Chile
Protecting leatherback and other endangered turtles on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica
Hope for one of the last wilderness areas in Europe, protecting a significant area of Carpathian forests
Supporting high biodiversity farmed landscapes in the ancient meadows and woodlands of Transylvania
Supporting conservation of tropical dry forest of Northern Peru